A few years ago, I remember sitting at the table eating
breakfast when a man I did not recognized pulled up on the yard. This wasn’t an
uncommon occurrence on the farm, we had new guys start working for us every so
often. I called down to my dad if we had hired a new guy to work for us. “Oh”,
he responded, “that’s Ron Vande Wall – he definitely isn’t new.”
As I Ron and I sit
down, I ask him if he remembers when he started working for VG Farms. He
chuckled and tells me in complete honesty that he wasn’t sure exactly how he
started working for us, or even what year for that matter. “I think I started
plowing fields for your grandpa probably over 45 years ago now”, he estimates.
(For some perspective, VG Farms incorporated only 44 years ago.) While Ron
hasn’t been with us for all those years, he has logged quite a few – over 20
years full-time and 10 part-time.
As we branch off and travel down Ron’s memory lane of VG
Farms he recalls a few things that are very different from how we farm today.
One of those would be combining (one of his favorite jobs on the farm) with a
three-row head. Another would be loading pigs at 2am to deliver two full loads
to Cargill by 6am for a premium on the market price. “I always looked forward
to coming back after that second trip so I could stop and get a donut at
Casey’s as they opened.” At the same time, Ron recalled something that hasn’t
changed throughout the years. “You know, I can’t say I have ever been mad at
your grandpa. He let me make my mistakes, but never said ‘I told you so’
afterwards. That’s pretty remarkable.”
Something else that everyone else finds remarkable is Ron’s
ability to fix things. Often referred to as ‘Magic Ron’, he is able to utilize
his experience as a handy-man to fix nearly any maintenance issue we have on
the farm. “It’s great”, my dad exclaims at dinner, “I write down what needs to
be fixed, and Ron fixes it!” Equally adept at moving pigs, Ron often inspires
awe from the younger help on the farm. Despite this praise, Ron carries a
humble spirit about him. Typically soft-spoken and always carrying a warm
smile, we are truly blessed by Ron’s willingness to work for us part-time these
past few years.
- VG Farms
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